The team of the international youth conference is proud to share the first Impact Report produced in cooperation between the project and impact team. Different actions were chosen for evaluation to represent the diversity of the influence that we have achieved with the 18th edition of the conference. They were selected to represent different aims of the conference vision and mission.
The international Youth Conferences are fantastic, inspiring events but it is afterwards that the hard work really begins. At the end of each conference every participant is invited to join a regional alumni network, krusevoconference alumni network. Between the conferences, we make huge efforts to follow the members of the alumni initiatives, promote their stories and connect them with each other. But the conference team can’t do this alone! It is vital to follow what the young people who participated on the conference from all around the region are doing in their countries or communities. To make this more effective, impact team from different countries of the region are elected to take the lead on reporting on the amazing work that happens in between conferences.
Equality is about equal rights for all young people who are part of the conference community.